Herbal Recepies for Asthma

Asthma is a obstrupshy disease ( stricture) recurring road (canal with symptom clinical in the form of coughing and asphyxia). Some causes are matters of allergen or pollution and activity of abundant bodily or emotion.


- Dry of Kenanga Flower ………….. 3 pcs
(Cananga odorata)
- Water ………………………………….. 200cc

How to :
- Dry kenanga flower poured with boiling water into 200cc water,
- Close it tighly,
- After its cool, filtering the water and drinking at the same time.
- Drinks this ingredient regularly.



Materials :
- Cermai Fruit/Otaheite Gooseberry … 6 seed
(Phyllanthus Acidus)
- Shallot ………………………...….… 2 fangs
- Root Kara ……………………..... ¼ grasps
- Fruit of Longan ………………….. 8 fruits
(Dimocarpus longan)
- Water .......…………………….…. 2 glasses

How To :

-Washing out fruit of Longan
-All materials of its punched.
-Then, braised into 2 water glasses so remains 1 ½ glass.
- After chilling, the water filtered and drinked.

Longan Otaheite Gooseberry
( Euphoria Longana)


Materials :
- Centered of Sunflower ……………. 30-60 grams
(Helianthus annuus L.)
- Ginger …………………….………..….. 15 grams
(Zingiber Officinale)
- Water ………………………………… 500 grams

How to :
- Both material braised into 500cc water so remains 250cc.
- After rather cool, the water in filtering and in drinking.
- Does this therapy regularly.

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