Herbal Sex

There is when certain where husbands or wife feels do not again enthusiastic in sex activities. What’s cause it? And, how overcoming it?
Of course, enthusiasm plays a part is important in normal coitus. Without enthusiasm, it would be insipid coitus. But, why at a period of certain of enthusiasm declines? "There is various reasons. First, physical. This also is influenced some factors, inter alias having the character of natural like age," said family consultant, Dr. Gerard Paat, MPH.
Generally, continuation of Gerard Paat, enthusiasm in sex every body starts declines at the age of 45-50 years. In that age, hormone that is supporting enthusiasm in sex of course declines. Its (the cause can many, including nonsexual problem, like fatness etc. It is not confuse, man who is entering age to start looked to be. "Besides enthusiasm declines, also because ability of its (the erection is also declines," he said. Explained it is also, enthusiasm in man many determined [by] men hormone (testosterone) which will start declines so(after man to step on age 30-an year.


On the other side, enthusiasm in woman sex do not be influenced woman hormone ( estrogen and progesterone), but exactly is influenced men hormone. And hormone having responsibility at enthusiasm in this woman sex exactly non declines when old age woman.

Woman, said Gerard Paat, only had a few testosterones. " Whenever downwards, pittance," he said. So, at woman, lowering of enthusiasm in sex do not so(after apparent. Happened, woman losing of some femininity characters, like beauty fades or menopause, along the increasing of age. Whereas enthusiasm in its(the sex is permanent. " In consequence, if speaks sex atold woman, which proactive exactly woman," express this sexologist consultant.

Other physical cause is disease for example sugar diabetes, coroner heart, or lever. Can also because drugs. Don't know because too much consuming tranquilizer or narcotic. All the things above can become cause lowering of enthusiasm, " Even can cause impotence," accuses Gerard Paat.

Besides physical cause, enthusiasm in sex declines also able to be caused factor nonphsycist or psychological. Communications might possibly among a couple do not go well, so that the relation of they became less amicably and do not again interests one another.

Other cause is person factor, like low feeling appearance of theirselves to couple or assumption one of the couple that sex only simply obligation. Husband might possibly will of to the point, no " warm-up" in advance, so that wife do not feel satisfaction. As a result, sexual for wife only be considered to be an obligation.


That need to be done to overcome lowering of enthusiasm in sex, either at wife and also husband, is know in advance its(the cause. Easiest, if its(the cause had the character of physical, for example because pain. Hence, if enthusiasm in sex declines whereas couple communications to go well, tries going to medical doctor. Unlucky lowering of enthusiasm in the sex because disease. " If its(the cause disease, this disease healed, minimum as a result is lessened," said Gerard Paat.

Much disease which able to cause lowering of enthusiasm in sex. For example, diabetic ( diabetes). " Diabetes of course cannot be healed, but as a result can be lessened. For example, by taking medicine anti diabetes, so that sugar rate in blood controlled and do not cause venous damage or nerve, so that enthusiasm in can defended for a period of certain," explains graduate from FKUI by 1962 is. Example of other disease of which able to cause lowering of enthusiasm in sex is high blood ( hypertension). " But its(the therapy must with drug which do not add sex weakness. The reason is, there is hypertension drug that is exactly lessens erection ability," his(its continuation.

Often happened, medical doctor feels enough experts to handle, for example by giving hormone adder drug. " Though, inspection of hormone only can show the hormone total in blood. He cannot differentiate between free testosterones and non free. Is having influence to enthusiasm in sex is free testosterone which the numbers very few and subjective," light Gerard Paat.

There is man who number of its(the hormones a few, but still having enthusiasm. There is also number of its(the hormones is quite a lot, but enthusiasm in his(its have been no, depended from condition of body influenced by many factors. For example just of descendant factor, gizi, psychological, climate, and health factor in general. Example of the problem of climate, said Gerard Paat, " Cool weather can make people pain, so that erection cannot. So, these all influencing condition of across the board body which able to influence quality of the hormone."

If lowering of enthusiasm is caused [by] disease factor, pertained its(the handling easy to. Do not that way the things of if caused [by] psychological factor. " Frequently concerning psychological cause is person. Possibly decline self regard before couple, possibly stress which its(the there is no connection with marriage, or stress in family," explains this marriage consultant.

If(when this happened, psycologist or marriage adviser is correct address to be visited. Couple which it’s problem, must talk the things felt [by] it, expected it, so that finally finds way out.


* Yoga peace song, darkens lamp, and couple massage oil with aroma awakening enthusiasm like aroma rose, jasmine, or other according to appetite. Soft massage which you or husband gives, will generate vibrations specially can awaken enthusiasm.

* Does Athletics to be just of your body which will feel fresh, but enthusiasm also can increase. Regular athletics, said expert, increases energy. Athletics do not meaning run, jogging, or plays tennis. Treads a measure with couple also, including athletics. Does around 20 minutes. Doesn't forget doing also eye contact so that amicable situation is created.

* Tea with taste peppermint a cup of tea containing peppermint before leaving sleep, believe can increase enthusiasm in husband. Can also as of cacao beverage cup. If this, able to husband and wife.

* Vitamin and supplement mineral. This also to be able to return enthusiasm. Research mentions existence of chain between vitamin A deficiencies, C,E, B- complecs selenium plus and ferrum, with lowering of enthusiasm a man. It all is required husband to produce testosterone.

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